Wash silk scarf cleaning method - silk scarves Music in Japan

by:Jingliang     2020-07-22
Wash silk scarves? Silk scarves cleaning method, silk scarves to wash? You can. First of all, when catharsis silk scarf can not put it in cold water soak too long, suitable for five to ten minutes. Can use neutral detergent when washing, do not use alkaline soap, washing powder, detergent or other detergent washing, more can't use disinfectant. Silk scarves never use washing machine, should be washed by hand, knead gently when cleaning, knead, cannot use gravity to prevent fiber damage.

second, wash good silk scarves with best water to dry, and it is in order, don't in the sunlight, it can prevent the fiber strength and color fastness. When eighty percent dry clothes can be removed, this silk scarf feels soft feel, after drying and won't fade.

in addition, the silk scarves acid alkali, not so in order to keep the colour and lustre bright-coloured, best before drying a few drops of acetic acid in the water, then put the scarves in the water soak for 10 minutes or so get up to dry, it can keep the scarf bright colors.

silk products are not suitable for injection and pure and fresh agent, perfume and deodorant, etc. ; Don't use mothballs during storage, because it may be the cause of silk scarves adsorption a smell or discoloration. Silk scarves in the closet, had better use hangers to hang up, don't use metal clothes hangers, prevent pollution, such as rust, and should be put in direct sunlight place, away from light.

we must want to care for their silk scarves in washing on this effort. Only follow certain rules can guarantee the silk scarves bright as new, always bring you the envious eyes. With a few silk scarf is not surprising that, surprisingly, you can always guarantee the quality of the it.
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