Laundry pods

How to get rid of the difficult to wash the stain _ how stubborn stains cleaning - Music in Japan

by:Jingliang     2020-07-26
In daily life, will stick to all kinds of stains on the clothes, well a white T-shirt, can't wear, for a few drops of oil well because a pair of trousers on the lawn grass juice left and can't wear. Actually completely unnecessary in this way, as long as the master certain washing method, thoroughly remove these stains can completely, let's learn together!

1, blood:

use cold water to clean, dry blood has dried blood in special detergent soak overnight, then scrub with soap.

2, paint:

with gasoline to paint and put the clothes on the soft surface, pat stains can be cleaned repeatedly.

3, drying oils:

with turpentine oil, put the clothes on the soft surface, flap with the fingertips or cotton stain.

4, rust:

dissolve oxalic acid in hot water or direct use of cleaning products. Pay attention to the rust for a long time can make the fabric fiber structure damage and a hole.

5, mildew stains:

with bleach treatment, and then rinse clean.

6, grass juice:

coated with soap. Rub gently, then bleaching with bleach.

7, ball-point pen and glue:

with acetone and put the clothes on the soft cloth pat stain.

8, lipstick:

with acetone and methyl alcohol processing, then use bleach to remove traces of residue on the white fabric.

9, red wine juice:

soaking in washing liquid, with acetic acid or citric acid, rinse clean, then use bleach to remove traces of residue.

10, ink:

depends on the type of ink, first the clothes soaked in acetone, acetic acid, then use bleach to remove traces of residue on the white fabric, finally rinse clean.

11, tar:

with methyl alcohol and gasoline processing first, reoccupy detergent scrub.
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