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Popular science analysis of the sales status of washing powder processing formula products at home and abroad?

by:Jingliang     2022-11-30
From the perspective of the development of my country's washing powder processing formula industry, it is the general trend to upgrade the formula of washing powder at any time, and diluted washing powder has also become the mainstream of the washing market in the world, especially in developed countries. The dilution of washing powder in my country has been implemented for many years and has gained positive performance. At the same time, diluted laundry detergent formula products have also become the new favorite of the domestic laundry detergent market. In the 'Twelfth Five-Year Plan' of my country's light industry and the national industrial policy, diluted washing powder is listed as a key development and incentive development industry. But compared with other developed countries, the gap is still relatively large. Statistics show that in 2011, the output of laundry detergents and liquid detergents reached 3.74 million tons in 2011, of which diluted detergents only accounted for about 4% of the total, and diluted detergents accounted for even more. Small. Promoting the use of diluted laundry detergent is of great interest to the Chinese market and consumers. The status quo of the confusion of fish and dragons in the market has also greatly disturbed the abnormal development of the industry. Make fakes real. At present, many washing powder products have entered national standards such as 'ultra-diluted', 'ultra-ultra-diluted', 'highly diluted', 'concentrated dilution', 'X-fold dilution', 'high concentration' when entering retail terminals. The concept does not exist in industry standards, and according to the test results in recent years, most of the above-mentioned washing powders only meet or slightly exceed national standards or industry standards, and individual products do not even meet national standards or industry standards. These claims confuse consumers' perceptions, bring great confusion to consumers when purchasing diluted laundry detergents, and have a major impact on the promotion of good diluted laundry detergents. In response, the China Cleaning Products Industry Association has issued a document requesting manufacturers to be self-disciplined and responsible to consumers. In order to guide consumers to correctly choose diluted washing powder, China Laundry Products Industry Association has launched the 'diluted washing powder mark' certificate and corresponding technical standards and management methods according to the national standard of diluted washing powder and the industry standard of diluted laundry detergent. According to reports, the diluted washing powder mark is a certification mark launched by the China Laundry Products Industry Association in accordance with the national standard for washing powder (GB/T13171) and the industry standard for formula technology of liquid washing powder for clothing (QB/T1224). The product quality of the laundry powder formula printed with the 'diluted laundry powder mark' meets or exceeds the requirements of the 'diluted laundry powder marking product technical standard' formulated in accordance with the national standard for laundry powder and the industry standard for laundry detergent, and is compatible with the diluted laundry detergent in the developed country market. The content of liquid active substances is in line, and consumers can choose it with relief.
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